Financial Reports

​​Financial Reports

The Commission is provided with quarterly financial reports. These reports are included in the agendas for quarterly Commission meetings.

Access the Fish and Wildlife Commission agendas here.

All of the expenditures of KDFWR are included on the statewide tran​sparency site. Choose "Spending Search", "Executive" Branch, "Tourism, Arts and Heritage" Cabinet, and "Kentucky Fish and Wildlife" Department


The Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources’ proposed biennial budget is developed by staff and leadership, incorporated into the Executive Branch budget by the Office of State Budget Director and presented by the Governor, and may be modified before approval by the Kentucky General Assembly.

Learn more about the state budgeting process here.

Access the annual budgets for the Executive Branch here.


State law (KRS 150) requires an annual audit of the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources.

Access the annual statutory audits of the Department at